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Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Sufficient Access Points Are Necessary for Efficient and Affordable Ductwork Cleaning

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVCA) all use Duct systems to deliver and remove air and regular air duct cleaning is important to maintaining the indoor quality of the air in any large building, where large numbers of people work, study or live.

Temperature control can also be an issue because people to not perform at their peak, either in the schoolroom or lecture room, or in the workplace, if the air is stuffy or too warm.

In any building where people are frail or may have a weakened immune system, such as residential homes for the elderly and hospitals and indeed poor air quality has been implicated in situations of sick building syndrome as well as the control of airborne infections air quality is important.

where toxic chemicals need to be removed from the atmosphere of the laboratory or the workplace the efficiency of an air duct system could make the difference between life and death.

In the UK the Health and Safety Executive and the COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) both have an interest in maintaining the quality and safety of air in buildings.

One of the main problems of maintaining the hygiene and efficiency of any heating or ventilation system that relies on air ducts is whether the system has enough access points.

If the system was installed some years ago it is likely that it no longer meets modern advisory standards, which have been detailed by HVCA (Heating and Ventilating Contractors' Association).

Equally the building may have been altered, extended or otherwise added to over the years and again this can complicate access to the existing ventilation ducting system.

If an organisation is using its own maintenance team to take care of ductwork cleaning the employer has a duty of care to ensure that the work can be carried out safely and using the proper equipment, and again this can be difficult to achieve when the access to the ductwork is less than adequate.

Regular maintenance and duct cleaning should be a part of any building maintenance programme. It is not only important for prevention of fire risk, possible ill health of employees but also because a well-maintained system will operate efficiently to keep energy costs as low as possible.

Many specialist commercial cleaning companies offer an initial free survey and checking service and will advise not only how frequently the system should be cleaned, filters checked and replaced, but also whether access to ductwork can be improved.

If it should prove that access is an issue they also offer a service to install extra access points, which if carried out should result in less time having to be spent on future occasions for cleaning and maintenance.

Maine Corporations, LLCs And S Corporations

You know what? You don't need to go to an attorney or law firm to incorporate in Maine. And you also don't need to get a tax accountant's help to set up an S corporation. The reason? Both the state of Maine and the Internal Revenue Service provide helpful, free resources to small business people wanting to do this stuff.

Free Resource #1: Free forms from State of Maine

To incorporate in Maine, you file articles of incorporation or articles of formation with the Maine Secretary of State. But while you can retain an attorney to do these articles for you, you can also work from free forms the state provides at its website.

The website addresses of the free downloadable forms change pretty frequently. But if you know the exact name of the free Maine form you need, you can search (using something like Google or Bing) on the form name and quickly locate what you're looking for.

For example, to locate the free downloadable form for incorporating in Maine, search on "MBCA-6: Articles of Incorporation." And to locate the free downloadable form for setting up a limited liability company in Maine, search on "MLLC-6: "Certificate of Formation."

Two quick points about these forms: First, even if you don't end up taking a do-it-yourself approach to incorporating in Maine, download and examine the forms so you better understand the process. Two, note that both Maine corporations and Maine LLCs can make an election to be treated as a S corporation.

Free Resource #2: Free EIN set up

The step you take after forming a corporation or limited liability company is getting a taxpayer identification number for the new entity. You can get this number, called an employer identification number, from the Internal Revenue Service. And, the good news is, the application process is both free and fast.

The standard (and slightly old school) way to get an employer identification number, also called an EIN, is to download an SS-4 form from the IRS dot gov website, fill out the form, and then either mail or fax the completed the form to the Internal Revenue Service.

The faster way to get an EIN is to visit the IRS website's home page and click on the link that lets you apply online for your new corporation's or limited liability company's ID number. Look for the link labeled "Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) Online." Note that the online EIN application walks you through the steps for applying, supplies helpful onscreen help to answer your questions, and gives you a EIN at the end of the process.

Free Resource #3: Free sub S election help and forms

Commonly, as hinted at in the opening paragraph, a small business owner goes to a tax accountant for making a Subchapter S election for a new Maine LLC or corporation. But you can do the election yourself, as long as you know which form to use and where to get instructions for filling out the form.

If you're ready to try (or least think about trying) this yourself, know that the form you use is the "Internal Revenue Service 2553 form." And know that to find this form, all you need to do is visit the IRS dot gov website and enter this phrase into the home page's search box.

You'll probably also want the free instructions that explain the form. To get that instruction for the 2553 form from the IRS website, search on the phrase "2553 Instructions."

The Back Load - Carrying the Weight for Haulers and Customers, A Back Load - Good for Business, But Do It Right, How to Choose the Right Promotional Products for Your Company

The back load- it's probably the Solomonic answer to problems for both workers in the haulage industry and their customers, and the popularity of these sorts of jobs is currently on the rise.

It's About Time!

Ask any small businessman these days how they feel about courier and haulage costs, and chances are, they will say that they cost too much, and cut into their already miniscule profit margins. Ask a courier driver about the same topic, however, and you will find that their answer is quite the opposite- many of them are not able to charge enough to defray their costs and make a decent living. That was, of course, until the advent of jobs enabling a back load.

With fuel prices continuously going up with no end in sight, and traffic problems getting worse by the day, it seems that courier and haulage jobs seem to be getting harder and harder to come by- or, at the very least, less profitable for both sides. A back load can go towards solving this problem, providing the small businessman a way to transport his goods at affordable rates, while proving the haulage industry worker a way to maximize his time, effort, and most of all, his fuel costs on jobs.

What is a Back Load?

A back load, put simply, is a haulage job that comes in for the courier-driver or truck driver that he can do on the return trip of another delivery. While technically often counted as a return-trip haul, small enough packages or loads can also be piggybacked on top of a main load if necessary, though this practice is not usually encouraged.

Benefits of Taking a Back Load

The logic is simple: why return with an empty truck when there's someone who needs goods moved to wherever you are returning? After all, trips wherein the truck or van is empty cost practically the same as when they are loaded. Since main jobs are costed for both delivery and return trips, however, whatever you are going to make taking on a job moving goods on a back load is gravy. This allows you to quote lower prices for the job on the return trip, making it an easier decision for the customer to choose your haulage and delivery services.

Not only is a back load a more efficient use of your time, effort and fuel expenses, it's also a way for the courier driver to do his part in helping conserve fossil fuels- it's actually a more environmentally friendly way of doing business! The result - better business for both the people in the haulage company and their customers and in turn, a boon to the economy.

Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for Courier Exchange, the world's largest neutral trading hub for same day courier jobs in the express freight exchange industry. Over 2,500 transport exchange businesses are networked together through their website, trading jobs and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.

The fact remains that a back load (in numbers) can make up for many of the impending losses that tough times have brought about. However, there are a few things that independent haulers and courier drivers need to know in order to keep a back load beneficial to their businesses- like most things in life, too much of a good thing can be bad.

Here are a few tips and reminders from those in the know for those in the haulage industry regarding back loads. Keep these in mind, and you'll be able to profit from the added business (and income!) that they can bring.

Take Them Seriously

Remember that motto, "no job too big or too small?" Or how about this one, "Everything worth doing is worth doing well"? The secret to being successful in business is accomplishing tasks with the same amount of painstaking detail, regardless of size or budget. This means that a back load, despite being considered somewhat akin to a side job, needs to be given the same amount of attention as regular (or main) loads. This means treating the customers and their goods as professionally as you can, taking the same amount of care and conscientiousness as you would a main load. After all, it's probably better for you, your driving, your vehicle and most of all, your business. Who knows, today's back load client could be tomorrow's major client.

Don't Sacrifice Your Main Delivery

If this seems contradictory to the earlier tip, it isn't. Remember that a back load is meant to augment your business, make up for increasing costs and adding to your income. Counting on them for every trip however may, in the long run, cost you more if you focus on them entirely. Don't forego or delay your main deliveries and don't accept an unprofitable delivery just because you know there may be a back load available to take up the slack. This is not just bad for your business but for the entire industry as well. Don't make the mistake of costing the main jobs as you would the return load just because it is there. And most of all, remember rule number one of taking on a back load - it needs to be on the same route back!

Take Care Of Your Contacts
This means your regular buddies, the ones that tip you off, the ones that text you, "Hey, man, estate furniture load just a corner from where you're dropping off that panda," or similar! Treating them to drinks once in a while is great, but they'd probably appreciate you doing a good job on their recommendations more - and of course, returning the favour on tips once in a while.

Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for Courier Exchange, the world's largest neutral trading hub for same day courier jobs in the express freight exchange industry. Over 2,500 transport exchange businesses are networked together through their website, trading jobs and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.

In setting a strategic advertising plan for your business, it is a convenient way to use promotional products to launch your company name, product and services to the public. It has an influential role in making a brand identity and has been the tool used by many enterprises for years. Personalized promotional gift items are creative ways of introducing your products and services in the market. Hundreds of selected items can be used as gift items where you can put your company logo and leave a positive impression to your clients. Products which can be given away include shirts, desk accessories, food gifts, pens, mugs, bags, key chains and custom apparels.

The Type of Items to Choose and their Relevance

Consider first what type of items you will be giving away. The right promotional products to use are those items people use everyday such as notepads, sticky pads and pens which are relatively cheap. Unless you have something more in your mind than these items and you think you can afford more expensive ones you can choose mouse pads or USB drives and other state of the art products. Common sense has a big role in selecting a promotional product as well. You have to balance the level of usability and appeal of the various products that are available to choose from. Relevance should be considered when you are to choose the right promotional product for your company. Make sure that the chosen items reflect your business, products or services. You have to make sure that you give away products that fit the right place of where you decided to distribute them.

Right Timing and Longevity
Time is the last thing you have to consider. This has something to do with the length of time that the product would possibly last. It is better to chose products which can be use for long periods of time or can be used from time to time daily. It is not considered cost effective if the items you have chosen are only used ones and thrown away by its users. This will not effectively give better investment returns.

If you have accomplished the task of choosing the right promotional products for you, the next thing you need to do is think of a way on how to make each of the item will be personalized with your company name and product. Make sure that the name of your company or product is imprinted visibly on the items. Remember that the type of promotional products you will use will tell your recipients the kind of company you are and the kind of product you have.

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

The Biggest Reasons Your Company Should Invest in Mobile Solutions

Mobile technologies are developing at a manic pace and few businesses can afford to ignore the trend. Making use of mobile solutions can help you enhance your bottom line and improve receptivity among certain parts of the population, and here is why.

Connect with Generation Y

Forget about Generation X, Me or any other. Generation Y is where the money is today. They use their mobile devices, phones, pads and everything under the sun, to remain in contact and online at all hours of the day and night. This is a group of individuals who evaluate products, compare prices and shop online.

Offering mobile solutions which allow your company to bring the market directly to them will increase sales. One of the most common ways to do this is to have an item purchased online but delivered, usually free, to the local store. Once a customer is in your store, the chances of an impulse buy go up.

More Opportunities to Make the Connection

If you sell a product that can be marketed in various niches, you should be doing so. Otherwise you're missing the boat on an opportunity. Being able to take your sales on the road to conventions and other functions allows you to tap into a larger number of subsections of the population. The more areas you can access, the greater your potential customer base can be, and obviously, the larger your business will be. If you are stuck in one location you are dependent upon sales coming to you.

Keeping Up with the Market

Pundits fully expect that over a third of all business intelligence will be transmitted through mobile devices in the next three years. Smart companies are already investing in technology and solutions to prepare for the future. Anticipating this growing trend and training employees to work on the go through their electronic tools and developing the applications necessary to keep up with a constantly expanding market will be critical to financial success.

Smart phone credit card processing is becoming mainstream, as Smart phone applications now allow vendors to scan a credit card at any time, in any place. It doesn't take much imagination to anticipate some of the upcoming changes. While there will always be some degree of traditional brick and mortar businesses, the global market is moving online, and it is only possible to keep up with the trend if you are prepared, flexible and mobile.

The Benefits of Going Solar: Commercial Solar Energy Systems Explained

The benefits of choosing to install commercial solar power systems are many. Whether you are considering a large installation for a school, a non-profit, a large corporation, or a small business, these benefits are often substantial, making the up front cost of installation well worth the investment. Let's take a look at some of the most obvious benefits of going solar, along with some of those that make a difference, but are often less touted.

Community Leadership

Regardless of what kind of community your business "lives" in, the community surrounding it is impacted in a variety of ways. Are you a community leader? Do you want to be? Respected businesses that serve community leadership roles often find themselves propelled toward greater success at a fast pace. People like to be part of a successful community, and going solar can help you achieve greater status within the community your business inhabits.

Great ROI

If you are looking at numbers, thinking about the initial cost of installing commercial solar energy systems, take a few minutes to look at the larger landscape surrounding that initial investment. First, your installation may be eligible for government rebates, particularly if you are in an industry which uses a substantial amount of electric power for day-to-day operations. Second, you may end up making a profit from the solar installation once it has been paid for. Large solar arrays that capture more energy than a building can store or use during a given period of time push the extra energy that has been generated out into the community grid for public consumption, and in many places, the local utility is responsible for repaying those providers for that extra energy. If anything, the satisfaction of actually billing the utility company for a change is almost as gratifying as eliminating dependence on volatile utilities.


Without a lot of moving parts, commercial solar power systems are stable and dependable. They are built to provide reliable service with a minimum of maintenance for periods ranging from 25 to 40 years. Once a solar system has been installed, it requires very little maintenance. The best turnkey commercial solar electric systems are usually managed by the companies that install them, in order for peak productivity to be maintained.

Good for the Environment

Recent nuclear disasters and scares have proven once and for all that the "magic bullet" that is nuclear power is not capable of operating without a certain amount of risk. With a solar array, no risks are involved. In the event of a natural disaster, this method of producing energy does not pose any risk to the environment. Instead of using up finite resources like coal and oil, and instead of producing a greater demand for natural gas obtained by the dubious process of fracking, solar energy simply absorbs the sun's light and puts it to work for you. No strings attached.

With benefits like this, you can't go wrong with commercial solar electric systems. Find out more about how you, your business, and the world can benefit - you'll be amazed at the changes you can contribute to.

Use Document Scanning Services for More Secure Digital Files

The hype of the information age has expanded the spectrum of the economy. Information and communication technology played an integral part as a tool used in business. The digital epoch paved the way for 'faster operations', and even opened the doors to a wide range of business opportunities. It has also created a new class of entrepreneurs which are more focused on information than on the labor and the capital.

Joining the drift of the new era, even small-scale businesses saw the need to intensify information management and dissemination to increase their sales and productivity. With the help of the latest technology of computers and the internet, almost everything can be obtained at a fast rate -faster operations, transactions, sales. Information can be accessed everywhere through the internet as paper documents start to diminish. Most businesses like newspapers rely on their website for archiving purposes.

Studies suggest that sooner or later, the newspaper industry will start to diminish, and will be replaced by online news websites. It could also be concluded that sooner or later, the use of paper will be outdated by the use of computers and the internet, and the utilization of digital files and documents. Most businesses consider acquiring document scanning services as a good form of investment in the long run. With the help of this new technology, the bulk of paper documents can easily be compiled in a digital format.

One of the few benefits of document scanning services is its high quality. Old documents, though it is safely kept, can be easily torn and also age with time. Converting it to a digital format may improve its quality, and retain it for a long period of time for future reference.

Another advantage of acquiring document scanning services is a cost-efficient administration. The company can save time and effort of its laborers in managing documents. Finding a single paper out of stacks of documents may consume a worker's time, instead of focusing on doing his job. Neatly organized files which can be accessed in just a few clicks are far superior to their hard copy predecessors.

Lastly, digital files can be better secured. They will be flood and fireproof, and would not cause a disruption in business operations. While paper files would be destroyed by such incidents, the digitized copies of your files will remain protected on a server no matter what physical or technological disasters might occur.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Businesses Prepare As the Countdown to London 2012 Begins

As the countdown to the 2012 Olympics begins, businesses across the UK are being urged to plan ahead now to make sure they are prepared for any disruption during July, August and September next year.

London will experience travel disruption during both the main Games and the Paralympics, with a large number of planned road closures to create an Olympic Route Network for competitors, official and VIPs. Olympic venues will be spread across the city, from Wembley to south of the river in Wimbledon.

The Olympic Delivery Authority, however, believe that many businesses across the country have underestimated the potential impact of the Games, despite officials warning that the Olympics are 'the largest peacetime logistical exercise that any country can undertake.'

In a news report by the Evening Standard, Mark Ever, director of Games Transport at TfL, said:

'Introducing flexible working hours or arranging deliveries at different times where it will not be possible during the day are some of the options available. Planning ahead will be invaluable.'

And it's not just businesses in the capital then need to prepare ahead of next summer's events; the Games have wide-ranging implications on businesses across the UK. HR policies will need to be reviewed to accommodate staff members looking to visit or volunteer at the Games and companies are also advised to make it clear whether live TV coverage will be allowed to be watched during office hours.

An industry that stands to benefit from the Olympics is the tourist trade, with thousands of visitors to London also looking to explore other areas of the country. In particular, Scottish businesses are being urged to consider the potential to double the length of their peak visitor season in 2012. In a report by the BBC, David Bell, lead partner for London 2012 at Deloitte in Scotland, warned:

'There seems to be a misconception among businesses in Scotland that because the 2012 Games are being held in London, the risks and opportunities for businesses up here are negligible. This is far from the case.'

We've put together some top tips to help businesses and every kind and location kick-start their preparations for London 2012:

Review Staff Working Arrangements

Transport options will be stretched during the summer months in London and the surrounding areas. Consider allowing staff to work remotely from home and setting up teleconferences to replace meetings during the period. Ask staff to submit holiday requests as early as possible to ensure days off are distributed fairly and that staffing levels remain adequate.

Build IT strategy

Increased usage of local internet and mobile networks over the Games could potentially affect your business. If you're planning to allow staff to work remotely or to stream live events whilst in the office, it may be time to consider whether your bandwidth is likely to withstand the increased pressure.

Check Supply Chains

Some of your suppliers may be under contract to the Olympics, which will take priority during the summer months. From disruption to business energy supplies, to ink refills for the printers, contact your suppliers about any potential delays to their service, purchasing insurance if needed to ensure you are not left on a waiting list of a contractor if you have an emergency.

Hello? McFly? Your Business Meeting Should NOT Be A Time Machine, Reliable and Efficient Telecommunication Services of a Leased Line, Last Minute Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)

My butt was in a chair in a hotel ball room waiting for the program to begin. I was questioning why I woke up early to attend. The agenda was 7:00 AM registration followed by 7:30 welcome and sponsor recognition. The speaker would go from 7:40 until 8:30, and then the race to get out of the parking garage would begin. The vibe of the room was stale. Some might argue the early hour was the cause for the "blah" feeling, but it was more than the need for coffee.

As soon as people arrived they were ushered into a room and immediately sat at tables. There was not really any networking taking place, even though it was on the schedule. It was dull, and there had been no thought by the hosts to do anything to encourage an atmosphere connections. The room was awkward. The two men next to me, who worked for the same bank, never spoke to anyone but each other. I tried once to engage them, but they were talking intently about something or other.

Once the program started the host spent too much time praising the sponsors and making them stand. The two bank employees to my right did not even smile when they did a half stand and wave. Why had their company spent money to sponsor? These two gentlemen had no clue. Well, their name was said from the stage, but I am not sure most people could remember who the sponsors were.

Another sponsor was allowed to come to the microphone to say a few words. She went on for ten minutes reading prepared and boring remarks (AKA: a commercial for her organization that resonated with nobody) while the MC stood about three feet away unable to make it stop.

Then the speaker was introduced. She started with a canned joke followed by 15 minutes about herself, her career, and all the famous people she has met. It must be nice to have shared the stage with Colin Powell, but I am pretty sure that his bio does not mention her when he speaks!

She later remarked using 1/3 of her time to tell her personal story was building "rapport", but it was really a one-woman show. She had the stage presence to do Broadway, and told jokes like a comedian, but her style was very much like Zig Ziglar circa 1991. While it is not a good idea to move straight to the content, she was very "old-school" in her presentation style (this has nothing to do with age, as Brian Tracy is in his 70s and is a perfect example of engaging "with" an audience, not speaking "to" an audience).

The whole program was a time warp. The stage set up with the risers, podium and flags could have been at any meeting in the last 100 years. There were stacks of brochures from the sponsors on every chair. The hotel served a plated breakfast of bacon, sausage, eggs and hash-browned potatoes (oh yes, I saw the horror in the servers eye when I asked for a vegan option). There was no part of the experience that would could not have been delivered in 1984 (except for the part about putting your cell phones away. FYI- my belief is that if a speaker cannot keep the audience engaged, then people should be free to text and tweet all day long).

The speaker's twenty-one nuggets of information were useful, but by the time she hit number sixteen I just wanted them all to be over. She had a flip chart with her name written in black Marks-a-Lot on the stage, but other than reminding the audience of her name for an hour, it brought no value (actually I was glad she did not start flipping paper pages!). Even her topic had not been updated to address the changes in technology. Her message held strong, but it appeared she had never attempted to incorporate all the tools we use in today's business world.

All this being said, the audience liked her a lot. They laughed at her jokes, seemed to understand the meat in the message, and nobody could miss her strong energy levels. However it is my belief that she allowed her "Shtick" to dominate over content. I write a lot about the need for style and experience for a speaker (not just content), there must be balance.

Organizing a meeting is like art and architecture. The appreciation one has for the event is subjective and over time the popular styles change. Where one person sees a great work of art or a beautiful building, somebody else sees an eye sore. This does not mean that yesterday's styles are bad, or cannot be used and enjoyed in the modern world. It is just that if someone builds an Art Deco building in 2011 they need to acknowledge the retro style.... and include modern amenities

Closing with an old canned joke was what put it over the top for me. I felt like when she hit the punch-line there was going to be a drumroll/rimshot and a voice proclaiming "Ba-Da-Bing... She is here all week!".

I know, I know. I am too critical. If the audience liked the event, then that should be enough. Or is it? In a world with so many choices on where to invest our time, a meeting that just stepped out of Dr. Emmett Brown's DeLorean cannot compete.

The best meeting planners are asking "why?" to everything they do with their meetings. They are also asking "why not?" to every new idea. These people are challenging the powers that be that fear change. Simply doing things "same old/same old" is no longer acceptable. Rethinking how to engage an audience long before the keynote speaker takes the stage is paramount to success. Where you place the stage matters. The food served has an impact. Who introduces the speaker and what is said sets the tone. Good technical scores is not enough. What is the overall vibe? It is hard to pin down, as most people say "wow" after a speech, even if they mean "it was okay" (as a speaker I am cautious of believing too much of what I hear about my own program!). The post event survey never tells the whole story.

Some who have seen me speak who do not enjoy my style either, so I know that one who lives in a glass house should not throw rocks (note, I did not name the speaker or the organization that hosted the event). But all of us in and around the Meetings Industry should always be reviewing, questioning and brainstorming how to shake things up (in a good way). I try to review more than just the superficial parts of meetings, and seek out the ones where I can really have an experience that lasts past the parking lot exit gates

For companies that demand a dedicated and reliably fast telecommunication facility, a leased line can be tapped for the required service. This service is designed for demanding applications typically involved in corporate communications such as videoconferencing, application hosting, and voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) as well as large data transfers.

Compared with other telecommunications line

This type of dedicated service is contrasted to a standard digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable Internet in which communication infrastructures are shared. Hence, during peak hours, bandwidth is divided among the simultaneous users resulting to significantly slower communication speed than promised. On the other hand, a leased line allows customers to access the entire bandwidth as stipulated in their contract with the service provider. For instance, a typical transmission speed is 1.5 megabit per second (Mbit/s) along a T-1 channel and this speed is guaranteed at any time of the day.

Current use of leased line services

Also known as a private circuit or data line, it does not bear a telephone number. Thus, two points communicating using the line are permanently connected to each other. The same system for transmission can be used for data and Internet communications as well as telephony system.

Businesses with distant offices are among the largest groups of clients that take advantage of this service. Business outlets operating on geographically distant branches communicate more effectively and efficiently without disruption through this dedicated line. To enjoy this service, clients enter into a contract with the leased line provider who laid out the physical infrastructures. In exchange for using the infrastructures, clients pay a fixed monthly rate to the provider.

Rates for a leased line

Unlike DSL connections in which monthly rates play between £10 and £20 for every subscriber, leased lines are significantly more expensive. For a single client, it can be at least twice as expensive and increases several folds as the subscribed bandwidth is expanded. Rates also greatly vary depending on the actual length of the communication line required to connect the client to the data centre. Hence, business offices located farther apart will have to pay significantly more.

Network design applications

Aside from the typical site to site connectivity used in connecting two business offices for data communications, a site to private branch exchange (PBX) connectivity is also common as it replaces the conventional telephony system based on slow dial-up technology. A great advantage of this connectivity is that it allows customers to manage a customized telephone numbering plan resulting to shorter number extensions.

Another network design realized through a leased line is site to network connectivity. Through this, a more advanced network based on packet switching can be designed over the infrastructure.

Availability in the UK

Leased lines in the UK are provided at rates between 64 kbit/s and 2.048 Mbit/s through an E1 link. Via the E3 tail circuit, speeds can range between 2.048 Mbit/s and 34.368 Mbit/s. Incredible speed interfaces are even achieved through 10baseT and other advanced networking technologies.

Although significantly expensive, heavy usage and frequent access through the leased line will offset the costs involved. Furthermore, it offers unprecedented reliability and efficiency crucial for demanding applications.

When there are large contracts between companies, a PQQ (Pre-Qualification Questionnaire) is used. In situations like this, the capabilities of the organisations are checked, such as whether they can sustain the project, if they have enough skills including technical background staff and whether they have enough experience to do the project. After these questions are answered, the shortlisting of companies can begin to take place. The document is also a useful way for contracting local authorities to control the cost of the tender process. The questions that are included in a PQQ include financial statements for submission of the tender, questions related to health and safety, an environmental questionnaire, supplementary questions, technical and quality check questions, and additional questions that are related to the background of the contractor.

The PQQ is submitted by the contractor before the invitation to tender is sent. It is an effective way of marketing, and sufficient time is required to assess the necessary resources required so that one can complete the necessary submissions. Often when we talk about PQQ, time is of the essence and great competition between the different contractors requires it to be finished on time. Any corporation that has capabilities to work for the supplier should send the proper PQQ before the deadline so that contracting authorities can hold a meeting with them and settle important issues before time.

Various online services exist which serve to help contractors with their last minute questions and answers. These types of services have made the decision for contractors and suppliers relatively easy and everything can be settled in a professional manner. For the tender notification, the company details are usually maintained in one central place. This information requires sufficient space and resources and some costs are associated with it to maintain it properly. Every bid made by the contractors must be submitted in accordance with the requirement of the contracting authorities and the PQQ must be relevant to it. This enables online service providers to view the contract details and answer any relevant queries in accordance with this centralised information.

The responses to the questions can be quite varied; for example, a construction company requires two contracts and it requires bidding for two projects. The efficiency of the work that the contractor can provide is the same for all projects, including technical skills, experience and environmental conditions. However, the work that is required for both projects is different, and the responses to the questions of the company must be such that it can handle both projects. But the issue of concern is that the contractor has to fill out two separate forms for the bid, and on each PQQ form the questions must be asked in accordance with the projects. However, if the company fills out only one form, then the response must be such that it ensures both the correct answers and makes the user think in depth about the difference in the projects.


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